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Radar Principles (Extended)
Course number: 0510.7204
A graduate-level introductory radar course, with an emphasis on radar signal processing.
The course is given yearly, during the fall semester, in a weekly 3 hours lecture.
Lecture slides (fall 2021-2022 semester):
Requirements (pdf file)
Introduction (pdf file)
Radar cross section (RCS) of deterministic targets (pdf file)
Radar cross section (RCS) of statistical targets (pdf file)
Multipath (pdf file)
Clutter (pdf file)
Matched filter (pdf file)
Ambiguity function (pdf file)
Coherent pulse train (pdf file)
Detection (pdf file)
Integration (pdf file)
Constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) (pdf file)
Coded waveforms (pdf file)
Diverse pulses and mismatched filter (pdf file)
Moving target indicator (MTI) (pdf file)
Continuous wave (CW) (pdf file)
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